3 Things You MUST Know Before Buying an LED Grow Light πŸŒ±πŸ’‘

are some of the most complicated pieces of grow technology on the market, and made more so by LED makers purposefully puzzling consumers in their marketing products. Find out how to GENUINELY evaluate a 's efficiency for its rate variety in this video. We'll cover some basic terminology like , PPF, , and photon efficacy.

Then, we'll enter into a couple of different misunderstandings:

1. LEDs are better due to the fact that they use less power.
2. Overall prospective wattage vs. actual diode capacity used.
3. numbers are to be trusted from manufacturers.


makes quite a solid quality in the sub $200 range at 1.3 micromoles per Joule on their Z5 model:

β†’ LEDTonic Z5:
β†’ LEDToniz Z2:


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3 Things You MUST Know Before Buying an πŸŒ±πŸ’‘

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