Massive ebay COB LED Grow light test

Follow us: Instagram: Facebook: #migrolight #ledgrowlight #growlights. I purchased a '12V 70W 7,000 LM LED Panel Strip COB Light Light' from Ebay and tested to see if it suitable as a grow light. It's well made. The aluminium board is thick and strong and all 336 of the LED's are well matched so it is likely to be dependable to perform at the correct load. The data sheet says 12V DC and…

Full spectrum grow light comparison test – COB vs Red Blue LED vs CFL

Follow us: Instagram: Facebook: #migrolight #ledgrowlight #growlights. We compare the growth of plants under 3 various complete spectrum grow lights. We compare the kind of development and yield from each grow. Grow lights utilized:. COB Grow light: MIGRO 100 – 106W. Red/Blue LED: UFO Illuminator – 165W. CFL: Electrox Double spectrum 250W – 200W consumed. Plants grown: Bedding plants and Lettuce. Spectroradiometer: Asensetek Passport. Quantum sensor: Apogee SQ 500. Full spectrum grow…