200KV On A Grow Lamp

Photonicinduction puts 200 KV On A Grow Light Do Not Attempt This Yourself Sound Track generated from 200KV On A Grow Lamp Best Grow Lights Reviews

DIY $35 LED Grow Light

Beginning to develop some brand-new grow lights and explore various LED lighting, here is the new hood design utilizing LED strip lights. These strip lights have boiled down a fair bit and there are now many U.S. and China made LED's items out there to try. This is a quite low powered light so I understand it is not going to amount to the 1000w HID lights but still useful for what…

EZ answers to Lighting questions

Ray's Garden Seed Store!: If you want to make a little contribution to help keep the Farm alive: Your continued support is valued so much! My book!! My indoor gardening channel: CFL bulbs? Kelvin rating? Wattage? How close do I put the lights to the plants? Just how much is excessive? Just how much does it cost? The concerns stand. The concerns are real. The answers are so remarkably simple. You will…