GROW LIGHT Comparison: Soltech Solutions Vita Light vs. GE LED Grow Light (w/ Vita the Hen) — Ep 213

I recently got the Soltech Solutions Vita light and was struck with how comparable it was to the GE LED light– a minimum of at first look. However, there are some noteworthy distinctions as soon as you begin doing a side-by-side contrast, so I thought I would describe them here.

Intrigued in the lights?
– Soltech Solutions Vita light:
( Usage code: homestead2021 for 15% off non-sale items).

– GE LED Light:.

Just a note: I was gifted both of these lights to test, (which is why I disclosed a collaboration), but was not asked nor needed to do a YouTube video or any public review on them, but I believed this would be practical for you either way!


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LIGHT Comparison: Soltech Solutions Vita Light vs. GE LED Light (w/ Vita the Hen) — Ep 213

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