DIY $35 LED Grow Light

Beginning to develop some brand-new grow lights and explore various LED lighting, here is the new hood design utilizing LED strip lights. These strip lights have boiled down a fair bit and there are now many U.S. and China made LED's items out there to try. This is a quite low powered light so I understand it is not going to amount to the 1000w HID lights but still useful for what…
How to Grow Lettuce From Seed Indoors & Harvest in One Month! | LucasGrowsBest

In this video, I show you how to grow lettuce from seed inside your home, and harvest it in just one month! You can utilize this lettuce to make your own fresh, natural salads devoid of pesticides. It's so easy anybody can do it, just follow my actions and you'll be eating homegrown salads in no time. This was my very first time ever growing lettuce from seed inside your home. Growing…
Time-Lapse Compact Dutch Bucket Grow + Grow Light Giveaway!

Hoocho utilizes his own take on a compact Dutch Container hydroponic system to grow lettuce, chillies, basil and makes some mistakes along the way that we can all learn from. He's likewise thrilled to hand out the system as well as the light he's utilizing to grow the plants in this timelapse. To be in the running just subscribe if you have not currently, like the video, and leave a remark of…
White LED vs Red Blue White LED Grow Test w/Time Lapse – Lettuce Ep.1

No Aeration vs Aeration – MaxBloom X4 LED Grow light Evaluation- (Live 8/26/18). Episode 2 (Soybean) -. Ep.3 (Final Results) -. Are my growing containers food safe? -. The white LED brand name is Roleadro. It is 115 watts at the wall. The Blurple light is 130 watts at the wall and is generic brand name. Info for these lights can be discovered in the links listed below. I utilized the nutrient…